Privacy policy

Information we hold
Pybites collects the usual level of Cookies to know which pages on the site are most popular. We also hold information that you intentionally provide us such as your email address via the “Join our community” form on the left of the site. If you choose to include your name then this is also captured.
Usage of your information
The aforementioned captured information is used to notify individuals of Pybites updates, information on our products and for advertising. If intentionally requested by an individual we’ll also use email addresses to add the individual to our Circle community group.
We use Hotjar to understand how users interact with our website. This tool provides us with visualizations, feedback tools, and user session replays that help us improve the user experience.
Hotjar collects general statistical information like the path taken through our website, mouse movements, clicks, and scroll movements. Hotjar may also record keystrokes for certain inputs, although sensitive fields such as passwords are automatically excluded.
Hotjar uses cookies to collect non-personal information. This includes information about your device and browser, geographic location (only the country), preferred language used to display our website, and user interactions.
The data Hotjar collects is stored for a specified period before it is automatically deleted. For more details on Hotjar’s data retention, please refer to their privacy policy.
If you wish to opt-out of Hotjar’s data collection, you can visit Hotjar’s opt-out page and follow the instructions.
Hotjar is committed to the security of user data and has multiple layers of security measures. For more details, you can refer to Hotjar’s security policy.
Deleting your data
Simple! If for any reason you want your data deleted, simply email requesting that we delete your email address and name (if recorded).
Data Protection Officers (DPOs)
GDPR guidelines mandate we take responsibility for data protection compliance. As such, consider both of us your DPOs:
Julian Sequeira
Bob Belderbos
Further information
If you need any further information on how we collect and use your data (or anything else really!), please send us an email at
Pybites Community
Join our free Circle Community to meet and exchange with other Python developers!