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Having projects to show managers is a game-changer. I have been able to skip 1 round of tech interview questions at one company and a live coding session at another just because I had projects to share and show. It makes interviewing so much easier and makes me feel more confident.
Heather G (USA)
PDM Alumni
Hello everyone, just wanted to share that I am shipping my first command line program this week! Last November I knew nothing about coding, now I am shipping, I still can’t believe it.
Dabrien S (USA)
PDM Alumni
During my 10 weeks of PyBites Developer Mindset, I was able to not only create an application that I had anticipated starting on for months but also rekindle my deep interest and confidence in software development as a career.
The welcoming learning environment was a huge plus for motivation and support, and Bob’s coaching helped greatly with making progress on my application. I have learned so much from this program including Django, Heroku, and AWS, which I had wanted to learn for a while now- Bob’s extensive knowledge and guidance made this easy.
I also gained plenty of great career advice from Julian, including how to drive career goal decisions with managers. Overall, I would definitely recommend this program to those who want to make something cool and also learn a lot alongside other Pythonistas! Thank you Bob and Julian!
Michelle L (USA)
PDM Alumni
Participation in the PDM program absolutely advanced me in growing as a developer. There are different layers of improvement, which made my time spent developing feel much more productive.
The support I received in terms of mindset were crucial in my growth during my weeks in the program. I felt welcomed and held up by the PDM community – everyone is super nice, good humored and always helpful.

Learning how to wrap my brain around problems big and small. The collaborative/mentorship style of coaching is priceless. Having that accountability partner is so useful. Being able to learn and digest how my mentor approached development has expanded my skill set and my own approach to building out features and implementing design patterns in the applications I build.

There are major key words that come to mind when I reflect on my time in the PDM program: learning, expanding boundaries, community, growth.Michelle L (USA)

Luis P (USA)
PDM Alumni
I had not coded at all but I wanted to so, I went to university and got a bachelor’s in computer science, then a master’s in information technology. I had a difficult time finding a job because I lacked experience coding. I struggled answering the questions at technical reviews and solving the coding challenges. I had the knowledge I gained in school but was reluctant to deep dive on my own.
Under Bob and Julian’s guidance in the Pybites Developer Mindset program, I was able to develop a couple of apps to Minimum Viable Product with one of them online @Render and got another one close to MVP. They also encourage starting a blog, which I am about to post my first article, and putting yourself out there on social media. I am still looking for a job but with the confidence and skill I gained through the program, I am sure it won’t take me long.
Jarrod N (USA)
PDM Alumni
I enjoyed building my self confidence with Bob, Julian, and the other coaches in PDM. I started the program after some confidence shaking events in my life. Working on discrete Python projects with guidance from senior coaches really helped me get my mojo back.
Bernie L (USA)
PDM Alumni
I went from being unsure about my skills and feeling like an imposter to launching an MVP (Minimal Viable Product); a cloud based video trans-coding solution. At the outset of the program they gave me a survey of my goals and desired outcomes and molded my time with them to suit me and those goals.
Aaron J (Canada)
PDM Alumni
I came to PDM after years of working mostly with python’s data science and scientific computing stack. I knew there was so much more to learn about python and software development more generally but I wasn’t clear about how I could get to that next level. With some luck, I stumbled on this page. Yes, this page of testimonials. These testimonials resonated with me immediately and within a day I scheduled a call with Julian to learn more about PDM. Julian walked me through the program format and I decided to enroll on the spot.
PDM is not a bootcamp. I think of it more like a community. The work is self-directed but Bob makes sure you’re on a reasonable path. The weekly code reviews are incredibly helpful and having that one-on-one time to ask questions to an expert was extremely valuable to me.
But PDM also gives you the friendly support of all the other members and mentors. This was the best part of the program for me–being part of such a great, diverse group of people with a common interest. The PDM Slack alone is an excellent resource for questions, new python libraries, trends, developer life, and life in general. I got so much out of PDM, I can’t recommend it highly enough.
Sean S (USA)
PDM Alumni
I chose PDM over attending a developer bootcamp and I was not disappointed. Bob, Erik and Julian taught me crucial skills like building projects start to finish and the proper mindset to ward off imposter syndrome.
Not only will my experience in PDM stay with me into my Web Development career, but I’ll also have an amazing community and pool of resources to come back to in the future!
Adam D (USA)
PDM Alumni
As a data engineer and already using Python for data tasks, PDM has been a catalyst to escape the tutorial hell and building my first Django project / business idea. The whole process from app ideation to building a prototype was very practical.
Koffi G (France)
PDM Alumni
My time spent in the program was time well spent. I have nothing but good things to say about my experience during my ten weeks in the program.
The weekly clinics held by Bob and Julian are top-notch. Bob was great at keeping me going. If he had not heard from me in a couple of days, I would receive a Slack message from him asking how things were going. If I was stuck on something, he was always available to hop on Zoom and do some pair-programming.
The cost of the program comes nowhere close to the amount of knowledge you will walk away with.
Michael Y (USA)
PDM Alumni
Python rekindled my love of programming and I was very keen to increase my skills and experience.
I decided that two things would really help me to move forward: collaborating on a real project with a mentor, and becoming part of a supportive and experienced community of Python developers.
The PyBites PDM Program gave me both of those things and so much more. A wonderful and unexpected bonus was the motivation, support and camaraderie gained by sharing the journey with other clients in the program. I learned many new skills (technical and mindset), built some cool apps, made some great friends and genuinely had a blast.
If you have the opportunity to take the program – just do it!
Craig R (UK)
PDM Alumni
Pybites success stories
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Rodrigo B
Jorge F
Blaise p
Sambhavi D
Tim G
Tonya s
Marcin j
matt b
hugh t
giuseppe c
josep p
Roller a
Aris d
josh e
andrew m
alberto s
calin r
clayton c
martin h
john s
ED g
antonio v
Michael A
tim f
ronnie m
jake l
juan josé e
Drew k
Stephen v
Will F
Ben g
Christo o
michael k
Robin b
daniel w
mirela t
PyBites c/o The Gild Group Level 2, 11-31 York St NSW 2000 Sydney Australia
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